DIY Ornament Christmas Tree Sign Tutorial

Create this gorgeous Ornament Christmas Tree Sign for the holidays, it's great on a mantle, in a bookcase, on a wall or even as a oversized ornament on a tree.
Grab this craft kit Here (all materials you need for this project are in the kit) =>
This is a Home Made Luxe craft subscription box project, which means you can purchase this as a craft kit here! That's right no craft store nightmare trying to find all these materials just grab the craft kit.
Check out the easy steps below as well as the quick video tutorial for this super fun DIY Ornament Christmas Tree Sign.
Materials Needed:
Home Made Luxe DIY Ornament Christmas Tree Sign Craft Kit
- Wood Plaque
- White Paint
- 40mm Ornaments
- 30mm Ornaments
- Topper Ornament
- Paint Brush
- Glue Sticks
- Glue Gun
- Sandpaper
DIY Ornament Christmas Tree Sign Video Tutorial:
DIY Elf Christmas Wreath Tutorial
1) Use sandpaper to smooth the wood plaque if needed. Paint the wood plaque white and allow to dry.

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