DIY Speckled Robins Eggs

Happy Spring! Spring time would not be complete without gorgeous eggs adorning our homes. In our Home Made Luxe Spring frame Craft Kit, there were several wooden eggs for you to paint. So whether you have eggs at home or you are a part of our craft subscription box family, you will love this tutorial on how to create speckled robin's eggs. 


  • Begin by painting unfinished wooden eggs the robin's blue you received in your kit.
  • Then, let them dry completely.

  • Put the eggs in any cardboard box (you can use the Home Made Luxe mailing box), and pounce your paint brushes into a bit of white paint.
  • Now the fun begins! Just splatter away by running your fingers over the bristles, going towards you. This assures that (most of) the paint goes away from you.
  • Let that side dry, and turn the eggs over. Repeat the process until the whole egg is covered lightly and evenly in white speckles.
  • When that's dry, repeat the same process with any other paint color you have. Most typical speckles will be brown and white.
  • But we also experimented with gold!



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