Paper Quilled Monogram Letter Tutorial

paper quilled monogram letter tutorial
Learn the art of paper quilling with this Paper Quilled Monogram letter craft kit. 
Grab this craft kit Here (all materials you need for this project are in the kit) => 
This is a Home Made Luxe craft subscription box project, which means you can purchase this as a craft kit here! That's right no craft store nightmare trying to find all these materials just grab the craft kit.


Check out the easy steps below as well as the quick video tutorial for this super fun DIY Paper Quilling Monogram Letter. 


Materials Needed:

Home Made Luxe DIY Paper Quilled Monogram Letter Craft Kit


  • Quilling Paper (1/4") 
  • Slotted Quilling Tool
  • Quilling Tweezers
  • Detailed Scissors
  • Glue Pen
  • Cardstock
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Frame (Optional)

DIY Paper Quilled Monogram Letter Video Tutorial:


Another one of our favorite quilling tutorials from genius crafter Annigen Creates



DIY Paper Quilled Letter Tutorial

1) Trace the letter or letters of your monogram onto your cardstock with a pencil. You may print out the letter from HERE for your reference if it is your preferred font.

 paper quilling letter tutorial


2) Choose the color paper you would like to use for your letter outline. Measure and cut a piece of that quilling paper for each section of your letter.
paper quilling tutorial
paper quilled letter
3) Working one section at a time, erase the pencil line and be sure to blow cardstock clean. Place very thin line of glue where the pencil line had been.
paper quilled letter monogram
paper quilling monogram tutorial
4) Use fingers & tweezers to place the side of each paper strip on the glue. Hold in place until it dries. Pressing down sections with your finger as needed to connect with the cardstock.
paper quilling monogram
paper quilled letter
5) Continue until entire border is completed. Start creating quilled shapes as outlined in the video.
paper quilled shapes
6) Position quilled shapes inside and/or the outside of the letter until you have the design you like. Continue to make more shapes as needed to fill in as much or as little space as you want.
paper quilling letter
7) When you are happy with your design, remove each piece one by one, placing small amount of glue on cardstock & placing piece back on glue with tweezer or finger, holding in place til dry.
paper quilling tutorial
8) Enjoy your quilled art on its own or put in a frame (minus the glass). There is enough quilling paper to create more projects as well. Post your creation on social media & tag us @homemadeluxe
paper quilling
paper quilled monogram letter

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